Zone-specific field management with WatchITgrow and the Soil Service of Belgium
As part of the PPIDD demonstration project, the Soil Service of Belgium and VITO Remote Sensing joined forces and the WatchITgrow platform was further expanded.
Climate measures - Join the 'Klimrek' survey for potatoe farmers!
By completing this survey, you can be co-architect of the 'climate scan' for your sector and help to develop climate measures with farm economic profit that enable climate robust farms.
Europatat - Online survey for potato farmers (<15 minutes!)
The ADAPT (‘Accelerated Development of multiple-stress tolerant potato’) project, in which Europatat is involved, has <
Citizen science towards heat and drought - cultivation of potatoes as a ‘side dish’!
'CurieuzeNeuzen in de Tuin' will monitor and map heat and drought in 5.000 private gardens and public green spaces.&n
New features coming in WatchITgrow in 2020
Also in 2020 we have several new developments scheduled for WatchITgrow. We are happy to give you an overview of the new features you can expect in the platform this year.
Variable rate haulm killing via WatchITgrow
Discover the new features
WatchITGrow release new and improved features!
Boerenbond, Belgapom and VITO together towards digital agriculture