Watch It Grow





WatchITgrow is an online platform to support growers to monitor arable crops and vegetables in view of increasing yields, both qualitatively and quantitatively. WatchITgrow uses various types of data starting with satellite data combined with e.g. weather data, soil data, IoT data and field data provided by the grower. These data will be combined using new technologies such as big data analytics and machine learning to provide growers with more timely and personalized advice.

  • Objective and up-to-date crop-related data
  • A clear overview of the status of your crops
  • Take specific and timely actions
  • Reduce production losses
  • Achieve a higher and more sustainable production
  • Collect and manage your data securely and digitally



To keep and strengthen the future of the Belgian potato chain, we need to make the transition towards more sustainable and digital agriculture. As our agricultural area cannot be expanded further, we should try to increase our yields.


WatchITgrow uses various types of data starting with satellite data combined with e.g. weather data, soil data, IoT data and field data provided by the grower. WatchITgrow allows growers to access and store large amounts of data via a personal...


WatchITgrow is a collaboration platform for everyone in the sector, from growers, contractors and advisors to buyers. The platform offers numerous functionalities and benefits to monitor your crops more smoothly, but it also offers the possibility...


Get ready for INTERPOM!

On November 24-25-26, the entire European potato industry - from cultivation to processing and marketing - will gather again at Kortrijk Xpo. 

WatchITgrow innovates & simplifies!

We collect information by working with all players in the agricultural sector, from growers to contractors, knowledge centers and buyers and convert that input into innovations for a more sustainable agriculture, but certainly also into increased

WatchITgrow is ready for the new season!

Also this year, the WatchITgrow platform and team is ready for you!

Interpom, here we come!

On November 27-28-29, the entire European potato sector - from cultivation, to processing and marketing - will gather again in Kortrijk Xpo. INTERPOM, an initiative of B

Will our potatoes be fried before the yield?

With the major drought we take a look at the first measurements of the 200 CurieuzeNeuzen sensors that were again installed over several potato fields across Flanders.

200 sensors ready to monitor the microclimate on our potato fields

The 'CurieuzeNeuzen in de Tuin' agricultural team is ready for the new measurement campaign. With 200 sensors, we will also monitor the microclimate on the potato fields in Flanders in 2022. 

New measurement campaign for 'CurieuzeNeuzen in de Tuin' in 2022

After a successful measurement campaign in 2021, 'CurieuzeNeuzen' is happy to extend the research by one year. During the summer, we'll register again the microclimate on our potato fields with the help of 200 sensors. 

WatchITgrow the first operational application on DjustConnect

Potato growers can now monitor their crops even more easily and safely with WatchITgrow. To make this possible, VITO Remote Sensing will collaborate with ILVO and the data sharing platform DjustConnect.

Flaxsense 2.0! Data science in flax cultivation

VITO, Inagro, ILVO and the General Belgian Flax Association develop a monitoring tool for the flax sector.

WaterRadar: alternative water resources for agriculture

Crops need water to grow and produce successful harvests.

Zone-specific field management with WatchITgrow and the Soil Service of Belgium

As part of the PPIDD demonstration project, the Soil Service of Belgium and VITO Remote Sensing joined forces and the WatchITgrow platform was further expanded.

Climate measures - Join the 'Klimrek' survey for potatoe farmers!

By completing this survey, you can be co-architect of the 'climate scan' for your sector and help to develop climate measures with farm economic profit that enable climate robust farms.


WatchITgrow is a collaborative platform which supports the transition towards a more sustainable growth for the Belgian potato sector.

Romain Cools
Chair, Belgapom

WatchITgrow is developed to support the Belgian potato sector and to strengthen the future of the Belgian potato chain

Jurgen Decloedt
Business Developer, VITO Remote Sensing


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